On Friday, Telltale games announced via Twitter that they have signed a deal with Marvel Entertainment to bring a new series of games based on an as-yet unnamed Marvel franchise to home systems. While no more details have been forthcoming from the studio, considering their track record with all of their previously licensed titles, this is certainly something to look forward to. The statement made by Telltale on their blog was just as teasing about the deal…
“Announced this evening in San Francisco, we’re excited to reveal an all-new partnership with the incredible team at Marvel Entertainment. We’ll be teaming up on the development of an upcoming Telltale game series project set to premiere in 2017!”
There was no word about the proposed release platforms although at the moment there has still been no confirmation of releases for the PS Vita for Tales From The Borderlands, Game Of Thrones or the upcoming Minecraft: Story Mode although we would expect to see all of these in the not-too-distant future.
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