PS Vita Red Art Games Collectors Guide

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Since their first release, Red Art Games have been a keen supporter of the PS Vita. The French publisher joined the world of physical games releases late, with their first Vita title coming at the end of 2018. As with many other companies, they aimed to bring digital only releases to a physical market. While they no longer release titles for the Vita due to Sony not manufacturing cartridges in the West, they still support the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

Unlike other publishers, the offered pre-orders for all of their limited edition releases giving most gamers and equal opportunity to get the games they wanted. Here we present a complete guide to all of the PS Vita Red Art Games titles, along with their release dates, current market values and more.  In addition, where we have reviewed them either here or on our YouTube channel, we have provided links to them as well.

PS Vita Red Art Games Collectors Guide
Updated 23rd April 2021

All titles are listed here in release order. The current value is rounded up and based on the average selling price for a brand new copy on eBay. PS Vita Red Art Games titles with an exact value are ones still available in stock on their website.

Title: The Bard’s Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled
Developer: InXile Entertainment
Sony Cat No: PCSB 01284
Release Date: 23rd November 2018
Quantity Produced: 3,000
Current Value: €24.99

Title: Ice Cream Surfer
Developer: Hidden Trap / Dolores Entertainment
Sony Cat No: PCSB 01293
Release Date: 7th December 2018
Quantity Produced: 2,000
Current Value: €39
This game is now sold out at Red Art Games and is only available from third-party sellers

Title: Demetrios The Big Cynical Adventure
Developer: Cowcat
Sony Cat No: PCSB 01272
Release Date: 21st December 2018
Quantity Produced: 999
Current Value: €55
This game is now sold out at Red Art Games and is only available from third-party sellers

Title: Bit Dungeon +
Dolores Entertainment
Sony Cat No:
PCSB 01292
Release Date:
25th January 2019
Quantity Produced:
Current Value:
This game is now sold out at Red Art Games and is only available from third-party sellers

Title: Riddled Corpses EX
Developer: Cowcat / Diabolical Mind
Sony Cat No: PCSB 01275
Release Date: 4th February 2019
Quantity Produced: 3,000
Current Value: €24.99

Title: The Deer God
Developer: Blowfish Entertainment / Crescent Moon Games Studios
Sony Cat No: PCSB 01282
Release Date: March 2019
Quantity Produced: 2,000
Current Value: €24.99

Several of the games listed are still available from the Red Art Games website.

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About Simon Plumbe 1102 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: