With the PlayStation Vita being discontinued globally, we are now at a crossroads with the console. No new hardware is being produced. Support from retailers is dwindling. Accessories and essential supplies are becoming harder to find brand new so we are being forced to look to the second hand market for them. Physical game production has come to an end in the West and it’s only a matter of time before the same happens globally. So now Vita owners need to start thinking ahead. It’s time to futureproof your PS Vita…
Why Futureproof Your PS Vita?
While the console itself isn’t being produced, it doesn’t stop us from enjoying the PS Vita for years to come. However, we’re now in a position as Vita owners where we’re having take steps to make sure that we can keep using the Vita and our games collections for years to come. Many of us probably aren’t too worried right now, but there are some simple things that anyone can all do that will futureproof your PS Vita and extend its life considerably.
Need Some Protection?
The PS Vita may be a robust little console, but it’s not indestructible. Over the last six years my Vita has taken more than its fair share of knocks and bumps. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have dropped it on the floor – both at home and on the move. But I’ve been incredibly lucky and apart from a few surface marks it’s remained unscathed. That luck is bound to run out sooner rather than later though so steps need to be taken to make sure my Vita has a future, or at least physically!
There are a few things that can be done. First, get yourself a good carry case. Even if you don’t take your Vita out with you, it will give you extra storage protection from accidental knocks and bumps at home. There are plenty to choose from – official and unofficial, most with game storage if you so travel with it. To avoid any additional expense and if you still have it, just box the Vita back into the original packaging when its not in use.
Another thing that you don’t want to forget about is the screen. Being touch sensitive makes the PS Vita’s screen more prone to scratches than any other handheld. Investing in screen protectors will save you the need of replacing the screen if it gets damaged. For just a few pounds it’s worth it and you can get cheap disposable or tougher plastic ones for both Vita models and it’s an essential investment. You can order a tempered plastic screen protector for the slim 2000 PS Vita here.
Power Up!
Another thing that many of us take for granted with the PS Vita are the accessories that come bundled with the console when we first receive it. While headphones are easy enough to replace, other components aren’t quite as straightforward to pick up when these become lost or damaged. These are the things that we really need to start buying and stocking up on as much as possible. Probably the most important here is the Vita’s PSU. The original 1000 series console used a custom connector which made it difficult when buying replacement cables. Certainly when I had the chance I bought as many spares as I could but I never thought to buy a complete spare PSU as my wife owns the same model so we can share.
If you’re not in that fortunate position, then I’d definitely invest in buying a spare PS Vita 1000 Series Charger. For just a few pounds you’ll have peace of mind incase anything happens to either your charger of the cable itself.
Things are much better if you have a 2000 series (Slim) Vita. While the charger itself isn’t a typical off the shelf component, the lead is. Sony had the foresight to change the charger port to a standard microUSB connector meaning that any lead will be suitable for charging the console. It makes spare parts affordable and allows you to buy an affordable replacement microUSB cable any time you need one.
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