Game Review: Lara Croft GO (PS Vita)

Remember when I reviewed Hitman: GO! and I loved it? Well, in this new series of “game-a-day” reviews (you can read the previous entries here and here) I’m reviewing its spiritual successor: Lara Croft GO. This is another game developed by Square Enix Montreal (I love you guys) initially for the mobile market, which made the jump to the Vita.

What did I think of it? Let my tweets be your lesson (that’s from an Alison Krauss song, by the way):

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About Marcos Codas 384 Articles
Lover of portable gaming and horror cinema. Indie filmmaker and game developer. Multimedia producer. Born in Paraguay, raised in Canada. Huge fan of "The Blair Witch Project", and "Sonic 3D Blast". Deputy head at Vita Player and its parent organization, Infinite Frontiers. Like what I do? Donate a coffee:

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