If you didn’t know, we were hit by some real-life issues these past few months. Sadly, this meant we needed to put the sites on hold. You can read more about it here.
This led to us being unable to review games we were sent codes for. But I didn’t want to leave those games unreviewed. So I came up with a plan: I’ll review them live, on Twitter, as I play them. I will play one game per day until I’m done with the backlog, and embed the tweets here for you to read.
I hope that by doing this we’ll fulfill at least part of our commitment to the publishers and developers that trusted us with their games, and to you, the readers.
Below you can find my real-time review of “Uncanny Valley”.
Already loving the art of UV. Sounds really good, too. Very moody.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Having objects that not only interact with me but also with the environment is pretty cool.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Hmmm, odd. There seem to be some frame drops and performance issues. And I just teletransported back home. Confusing.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Holy crap, that scared tha hell out of me, haha.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Really cool character development going on now.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Very cool animations on this NPC’s sprite. Nicely done!
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
A bit of handholding there and directional stuff from the NPC. Wish they’d left it open to my choice of where to go. Hard to program, though
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
I sure get tired easy for a security guard. I’m in better shape than my partner, though.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
The art is absolutely beautiful on “Uncanny Valley”. So much variety out of a style that can be tiresome of late.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Very cool to let the environment tell me about the backstory. It doesn’t feel forced at all.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Even though it’s a side scroller, the world in “Uncanny Valley” feels vast. Reminds me of the scope of Castlevania, for example.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
Odd. I was told to come back home, but after coming home it won’t let me sleep. Might have missed something?
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
This is definitely the kind of game you need to spend some time with. Vast world, cool art, excellent atmosphere.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
I wish I could spend more time with it, but work beckons. I loved what I saw and can’t wait to come back. “Uncanny Valley”: cool, cool game.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 27, 2017
There you have it!
Doing these reviews in between real life stuff is never easy, and more so now that it feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface of what “Uncanny Valley” has to offer. But it was a really cool experience and I can’t wait to jump back into the world of the game.
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