As I mentioned yesterday, I’m doing a “game-a-day”-athon review on Twitter to catch up with titles released since we had our mandatory hiatus. Today’s game is Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and I’m really expecting to like it. I’m a huge fan of platformers! Join me and see if it lives up to my expectations!
Starting to play Shantae: HGH. Really excited now, I’m a huge fan of platformers! First timer for this series, though. – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
Shantae feels immediately like a Nintendo game, and I mean that in the nicest way possible – @MarcosCodas.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
The art is beautiful! Love me some parallax. – @MarcosCodas.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
Looks and feels a lot like (bear with me kids) “Dragon’s Lair” on the arcades. – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
Ok, I can SHAKE MY HIPS to the beat of the game. SOLD! @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
Easy fetch-questing so far but everything looks and sounds great. Wish there was more platforming straight out of the gate – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) February 28, 2017
Oh my GOOOOD, the platforming on this game is AMAZING! There’s Mario, there’s DK, there’s Mega-Man! I’M IN LOVE! – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) March 1, 2017
Very cool item system, too. Feels like the child of Mario and Zelda. – @MarcosCodas.
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) March 1, 2017
And this soundtrack! Can we buy this separately? I want this on my evening runs! @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) March 1, 2017
Well, I think that about does it for Shantae: HGH. Amazing game, one of my favorites of the past 12 months! – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) March 1, 2017
I barely scratched the surface, but the art, the story, the art and the gameplay are all AMAZING. Highly recommended. – @MarcosCodas
— Vita Player (@Vita_Player) March 1, 2017
What an amazing game! Please, do yourself a favor and pick it up!
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