Free DLC and PS Vita physical release coming for Halloween Forever
Our friends over at Poppy Works have been in touch to bring us some great news about Halloween Forever… This year, we’ve been working on a [Read more…]
Our friends over at Poppy Works have been in touch to bring us some great news about Halloween Forever… This year, we’ve been working on a [Read more…]
The PlayStation 5 is almost with us, just as Sony is taking steps to switch off the life support machine for the Vita. SIE are [Read more…]
Being a gamer in Canada is quite different from anywhere else, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Let’s see what it’s all aboot, eh?
It’s sale time again over on the PlayStation Store but this time it’s a bittersweet one. While PS4 owners rejoice over the huge selection of [Read more…]
Sony discontinued its PlayStation Vita handheld console in 2019 after eight years, and with the PS5 kicking off a brand new console generation this year, [Read more…]
In a shock move, Sony Interactive Entertainment have contacted developers this week with details of upcoming dramatic changes to the PlayStation Store. With the impending [Read more…]
Fewer and fewer games are being released for the PS Vita these days. New physical titles are only being produced by Japanese publishers, or as [Read more…]
Today, we interview a member of the Vita homebrew community: developer VitaHEX, from Greece!
Esports have been hugely popular over the last five to ten years. There are somewhere between 500 million and 1 billion esports fans who regularly [Read more…]
Rumours are circulating around the PS Vita community that there is one last surprise for Vita owners surrounding PlayStation Plus. The strange phenomenon had been [Read more…]
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