Tips For Choosing The Right Gaming PC

If you enjoy playing games on your PC, then it doesn’t hurt to go through a bit of an upgrade every now and then. The truth is that as games get more advanced, the machines that we need to run them need to be too. So, if you are using the same gaming PC that you have been for quite a few years, a few upgrades could help to improve your experience.

I’ve actually had to go through the process myself recently as both of my PCs have finally given up on me after years of faithful service. A 12 year old gaming laptop and a 9 year old desktop were both struggling for everything I needed here at Vita Player, especially when it came to creating all the game reviews for our YouTube channel. So I decided that my next PC was going to be built to last – a top of the range gaming PC that would probably last me until to the end of the decade!

So in this guide, we are going to talk you through some of our best tips for choosing the right PC and all the elements of it. Read on to hear these tips…

Look Into The Video Card

Once you have a good understanding of what you are really looking to upgrade, we recommend that you start looking into replacing your video card. This is the heart of your computer and it will help to ensure you are receiving the games in the way that they were designed to be received. With a fast video card, you can get more fluid games that perform much better in general. The latest cards now offer full real time ray tracing capabilities built in for even more realistic visuals but they come at a price. You don’t necessarily need to go for the best card on the market though as it really depends on the type of game you play as a lower spec card may be just as suitable for what you need.

RAM Is Crucial

If you want your games to run at the right speed, you need to make sure that you are looking into the RAM offered in the gaming PC. We recommend that your RAM is at least 8GB, otherwise, you’ll find that your PC gaming experience just isn’t what you hoped it would be. The RAM is where your computer will go to access information quickly and so if the storage is low on this, you’ll not have the best possible experience. For those interested in game streaming, look into at least 16GB of RAM.

Don’t Go Cheap

Even though you may want the best possible gaming PC out there right now, these can be very expensive. In 2021, many companies are reporting shortages of items like GPUs which are required to really make a computer work properly. This has resulted in the costs of gaming PCs and regular PCs skyrocketing. So, if you have a lower budget than most, it might be worth holding back on buying or upgrading at the minute. It can be tempting to go for something on the cheaper end of the scale but this might affect your overall gaming experience.

Read Reviews

First things first, you need to make sure that you are reading or watching reviews of all of the PC elements before you purchase. Yes, something might sound great in the product description but it might not be compatible with your current system. The great thing about YouTube and review sites is that you can search for almost anything these days and someone will have reviewed it.

It doesn’t matter if you enjoy playing PC games that are adventure-based or you prefer online casino live dealer games – you need to read some reviews. In the same way that Finnish is offering reviews on the latest casino bonuses, you’ll find reviews on the machines that you are considering online.

Check The Processing Power

You’ll find that the video card is responsible for the graphics in a game but if you want to be able to control the gaming world in the way that it was designed, you’ll need excellent processing power. This is something to really consider if you are hoping to upgrade your PC set-up this year. The CPU needs to be excellent if you want it to properly calculate your moves and keep the gaming going as it should be. Look out for processors that offer a bit more than an Intel Core i5.

Test Some Out

Finally, if you know some other gamers who have a good gaming set-up, you should consider asking if you can test out a few of the pieces. Maybe they have some accessories that really improve the gaming experience, or they have a budget video card that actually works. If you can try some of these out, you might find that there is something more suited to your needs. This is especially important if you are moving from a handheld device.

Some stores might even allow you to try out some items, but you won’t be able to do this with your current set-up at home. Try out as much as you can to make sure you are making the right decision.

Get Shopping

If you are hoping to improve your overall PC gaming experience then you should make sure to take on board some of the tips that we have given you. Think about how all of the elements will work together and don’t be afraid to spend a little more to ensure your games work as they should. Hopefully, you’ll be able to upgrade your system in no time at all.

Main mage by Pexels from Pixabay

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About Simon Plumbe 1081 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: