The Swapper Gets Delayed to August


Curve Digital announced that their award winning puzzle game The Swapper will get pushed back to August 5th in North America and August 6th in Europe.

The reason for the delay is to fine tune the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game.  According to Curve Digital Managing Director Jason Perkins, “The Swapper is our first indie title to really push the limits of the PlayStation 3 and Vita.”  “We’ve been able to really throw the power of the PS4 at the game, but we also want to ensure that when the game comes out, it looks great and runs well at 30 FPS on hardware that, in the case of the PlayStation 3, is over seven years old.”

The Swapper will be a Cross-Buy title when it comes out in August. Players will be able to pre-order the game at a discount in early July.

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