KickBeat (PS Vita / PS3)
Kid Tripp (PS Vita / PS4)
King Oddball (PS Vita / PS4)
Knightin’+ (PS Vita / PS4)
Knock Knock (PS Vita / PS4)
Kung Fury: Street Rage (PS Vita / PS4)
Lara Croft GO (PS Vita / PS4)
Laser Disco Defenders (PS Vita / PS4)
Last Wings (PS Vita / PS4)
League Of Evil (PS Vita / PS4)
Legend Of The Skyfish (PS Vita / PS4)
Letter Quest Remastered (PS Vita / PS4)
Lichtspeer (PS Vita / PS4)
Link-A-Pix Deluxe (PS Vita / PS4)
Little Big Planet (PS Vita / PS3) – DLC only
Little Red Lie (PS Vita / PS4)
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (PS Vita / PS3)
Luftrausers (PS Vita / PS3)
Lumo (PS Vita / PS4)
Mekabolt (PS Vita / PS4)
Mekorama (PS Vita / PS4)
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition (PS Vita / PS4)
Metagal (PS Vita / PS4)
Metal Slug 3 (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4)
Metropolis: Lux Obscura (PS Vita / PS4)
Midnight Deluxe (PS Vita / PS4)
Miles and Kilo (PS Vita / PS4)
Milo’s Quest (PS Vita / PS4)
Minecraft (PS Vita / PS3)
Minutes (PS Vita / PS4)
Mixups by POWGI (PS Vita / PS4)
Mochi Mochi Boy (PS Vita / PS4)
MotorStorm RC (PS Vita / PS3)
Mousecraft (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4)
Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge (PS Vita / PS4)
My Aunt Is A Witch (PS Vita / PS4)
My Big Sister (PS Vita / PS4)
My Name Is Mayo (PS Vita / PS4)
Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics (PS Vita / PS4)
Necrosphere Deluxe (PS Vita / PS4)
Need A Packet? (PS Vita / PS4)
Neon Chrome (PS Vita / PS4)
Neon Junctions (PS Vita / PS4)
NeverEnd (PS Vita / PS4)
Neverending Nightmares (PS Vita / PS4)
Nidhogg (PS Vita / PS4)
Ninja Senki DX (PS Vita / PS4)
Norman’s Great Illusion (PS Vita / PS4)
NORTH (PS Vita / PS4)
Nova-111 (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4)
Nuclear Throne (PS Vita / PS4)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS Vita / PS4)
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4)
OlliOlli (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4)
OlliOlli 2: Welcome To Olliwood (PS Vita / PS4)
One Eyed Katkh (PS Vita / PS4)
One More Dungeon (PS Vita / PS4)
One Word by POWGI (PS Vita / PS4)
Organ Trail: Complete Edition (PS Vita / PS4)
Thanks for the list! An update would be very appreciated, especially as all the new PS4 Indies are coming out and many of them have Cross-Buy. Thanks!
Thanks for the list! An update would be very appreciated, especially as all the new PS4 Indies are coming out and many of them have Cross-Buy. Thanks!
Please update if you can.
We’ll be updating this guide over the next few days in light of today’s announcement from Sony Interactive Entertainment and the upcoming closure of the PlayStation Store for the PS Vita so please keep checking back for updates.