After a couple of very sad weeks, today’s update packs a hell of a lot of punch. Be it from new releases (of which there are four) or sales (of which there are many), there’s something for everyone.
Find the new stuff below! (Prices may be higher in Canada)
New Games
- Attack on Titan
- God Eater 2 Rage Burst
- Hatsune Miku Project DIVA X
- Claire: Extended Cut
Innovators Sale:
- Rockerbirds 2: Evolution $13.99 (Read our review HERE)
- Back to Bed game and Dynamic Bundle: $5.99
- Color Guardians: $5.99
- Croixleur Sigma: $10.59 (Read our review HERE)
- Doki-Doki Universe $7.49
- Don’t Starve: Giant Edition $5.99
- Escape Plan $5.99
- OlliOlli2: Wecome to Olliwood $7.49
- Pure Chess Complete Bundle: $5.99
- Severed $10.59
- The Unfinished Swan $5.99
- Sparkle Double Pack $5.59
- OlliOlli $5.19
- Whispering Willows $4.99 (Read our review HERE)
- Hustle Kings PS Vita $4.99
- Knytt Underground $3.99
- Let’s Fish! Hooked On $3.99
- Letter Quest Remastered $6.99
- Q*Bert Rebooted $4.99
- Retro City Rampage DX $4.99
- Risk of Rain $6.99
- Zen Pinball 2: Core Collection $4.99
- AQUA KITTY: Milk Mine Defender DX $3.59
- Z-Run $4.49
- Corridor Z: $5.59
- Dead Nation PS Vita $3.99
- Jet Car Stunts $3.19
- Minutes $4.79
- Puddle PS Vita $5.59
- Pure Chess PS Vita $4.79
- Sparkle 2 $3.99
- Sparkle Unleashed $3.99
- Tiny Troopers Joint Ops $3.19
- Flower PS Vita $2.79
- Rock Boshers DX: Director’s Cut $2.79
- Furmins $2.99
- Boss $1.99
- Kung Fu Rabbit $3.49
- Tennis in the Face $1.99
- Zombie Tycoon $1.99
- NekoBuro Cats Block $1.99
- Table Top Racing: $1.19
- Men’s Room Mayhem $0.79
PS+ Exclusive Deals
- Atelier Sophie ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~ $31.99 (Read our review HERE)
- One Piece: Burning Blood $27.99
Other Deals
- Dungeon Travelers 2: The royal library & The monster seal $23.99 (Read our review HERE)
- Lost Dimensions $23.99
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel $19.99 (Read our review HERE)
- Citizens of Earth $7.49
- Velocibox $7.49
- Indoor Sports World $2.49
- Arcade Darts $0.99
- Bashi Blocks (PS Mini) $0.99
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