The rogue-like firefighting game Flame Over from Laughing Jackal is set to hit the PS Vita this week launching today in the US and tomorrow in the US with a price of £7.99 / €9.99 / $9.99 with a special discount of 20% for PlayStation Plus members for its first week and for those of you still not convinced about what is set to be the publisher’s biggest and best game yet, they are teasing everyone with their latest trailer for the release:-
The game features:
- Fast-paced Twin Stick “squirt ‘em-up” gameplay.
- A mesmerising dynamic fire system.
- Randomly generated levels. Billions of combinations!
- Awesome firefighting equipment and lots of powerups.
- Super-cute cats to rescue… And people.
- Perma-death made less painful via a persistent upgrade system.
And it’s looking set to be one of the “hot” games of 2015 for the Vita! No word has been given on whether it is PlayStation TV compatible but we’ll let you know tomorrow!
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