After the last couple of slow announcements for the content for PlayStation Plus, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have got back up to speed with the latest announcement of the titles that are going to be hitting PlayStation Plus for May 2015 and this time PS Vita owners seem to be coming out on top compared to owners of all the other members of the PlayStation family…
The first thing that is clear looking at this month’s selection is the emphasis on indie titles. This is something that PlayStation Plus has been criticised for over the last few months with many gamers feeling that the lack of AAA offerings “devalues” the service but we would argue that the playability and quality of the games is what is important, not the price tag or publisher that is important. Certainly, the most highly rated games here on Vita Player have been from smaller developers and publishers but many of those who are critical of indie games are often the ones who have judged games before trying them.
That aside, the line-up this time does seem to be quite interesting in the fact that all of the PS Vita titles are existing releases this time around and nothing that is making its debut via PlayStation Plus. Also, of all of the games on offer, many are Cross Buy so it’s a great month overall if you have more than one system. So without wasting any more time, what is on offer this month? PS4 owners are being given the new arcade adventure Ether One along with Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition.
Exclusive to the PS Vita is Murasaki Baby but the rest of the line-up is the interesting part as they are all Cross Buy titles… and all of them are for the PS Vita. Namely The Unfinished Swan (PS Vita, PS3, PS4), Hohokum (PS Vita, PS3, PS4), and Race The Sun (PS Vita, PS3, PS4). While this does mean that PS4 owners will end up with a massive five titles this month, Vita owners aren’t doing too badly either with four new games on offer.
- Tower of Guns
- Never Alone
- Dishonored
- Aaru’s Awakening
- Killzone Mercenary
- MonsterBag
Entering PS Plus:
- Ether One
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
- The Unfinished Swan
- Race the Sun
- Murasaki Baby
- Hohokum
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