Essential PS Vita Purchases Before PlayStation Store Closes #1 – Ridge Racer

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Over the next couple of months we’ll be taking a look at some of the games that will be disappearing from the PlayStation Store for the PS Vita. Titles that we think should be an essential part of your game collection if you don’t already own them. And more importantly, games that you won’t be able to get for one reason or another after August. We’ll kick off with one of the Vita’s earliest games, Ridge Racer

Why Ridge Racer?

Ridge Racer is an unusual PS Vita title. As one of the console’s launch titles, it had the potential to be a fantastic showpiece for the console. It looked fantastic and certainly did the franchise justice. Or at least it seemed to on first impressions. A physical release that grabbed your attention with eye-catching packaging and a bargain sub-£20 price tag at retail, it appeared to be an essential buy.

But like so many console games today, Ridge Racer had a dark secret. The game wasn’t as comprehensive as we first thought. Instead of being a full racing experience like it’s predecessors, it only contained a small number of tracks and cars.

Enter The PlayStation Store

Reviewers weren’t impressed with the game they were presented with. While it was fun, it certainly wasn’t a full game and it explained its price tag. To get the full Ridge Racer experience, you had to visit the PlayStation Store and purchase up several DLC packs. This expanded the game considerably – extra tracks, cars and music tracks and made it into the game it should have been from the start.

The combined price for the DLC and the game itself still stayed roughly in line with Sony’s own AAA titles released at the same time. Had this been released in a complete state for a similar price to Uncharted: Golden Abyss or Wipeout 2048 it would have still sold well enough to have made profit. More importantly, it would have avoided many of the criticisms over the need for DLC given by the media.

Why Is This Now An Essential Buy?

When the store closes in August, several things are happening. Not only are the app based stores disappearing for the PS3 and PS Vita, but all games are being removed for both platforms. The only content that will remain are Cross Buy titles that are also available for the PS4. But as well as games, that also includes the removal of all DLC content.

While physical copies of the game will still be in circulation, these will be incomplete. Without access to the DLC you will be left with a game that will have just three tracks and a basic number of cars at your disposal. If the game is something that appeals to you, your only option to get the full release will be to obtain a retail copy and buy the DLC or buy the full download package before it’s too late.

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About Simon Plumbe 1081 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: