Remember what those twin sticks on the Vita were supposed to be used for?
They were meant for Gun Commando!
After the relative disappointment of Sony’s Resistance and Activision’s Call of Duty titles the first person shooter genre was left alone for the Vita until Borderlands 2 came along. But before Borderlands 2 showed up there was Gun Commando standing all alone on the PSM store up against the proverbial big guns at retail. The game feels like a cross between Doom and Duke Nukem 3D with the arena style levels and the quick gunplay on offer.
The story is set up with the use of some excellent graphic novel style panels but also with great humour spread throughout as our hero embarks on his suicide quest. Controls are fluid and fantastic in either touch or conventional D-pad/sticks and buttons but again I would always favor the D-pad/sticks over the touch.
Gun Commando maybe the only first person shooter available on PSM but don’t let that put you off because you will most definitely regret it!
Title: Gun Commando
Developer: Ripstone
Type: First Person Shooter
PlayStation TV Compatible: Yes
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