Over the last few days we’ve been asked the question a few times as to why we made the decision to include a guide on the website for the PlayStation TV featuring games that work on the micro-console. It’s an understandable question to ask when Sony Computer Entertainment have already published their own official lists for the EU and US territories. Aren’t we just wasting our time duplicating their work? Well, actually no.
Looking more closely at the lists published by Sony there is one thing that we have noticed about them – they are just a basic list of games in alphabetical order, nothing more. What we have found with many games running on the PlayStation TV is that there are issues with many of them or that there is more information needed by gamers who are either planning on playing some of their existing titles on the system or buying games especially to run on it. Some have control issues, others have problems with save data but no matter what, this vital information is missing from Sony’s listing.
More importantly, Sony have failed to mention a single PlayStation Mobile game in their list despite over 100 of these being compatible with PlayStation TV. It is bad enough that the format is overlooked by PS Vita owners, but shunning it once again is unforgiveable. Finally, we felt that it was important for all of you to know what doesn’t work just as much as what does. Many of you will want to know if your favourite Vita games will function on the PlayStation TV and with the inconsistencies with Sony’s list, our guide will help you to identify accurately whether your favourite games will or won’t work.
Everything we cover is based on the European releases but we hope that you find our PlayStation TV Compatbility Guide of some use.
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