Playstation Vita Versus Nintendo 3DS – Region Lock Pros and Cons
One of the big points of contention in previous generations of gaming consoles was region-locking: the practice of artificially locking a physical or digital game [Read more…]
One of the big points of contention in previous generations of gaming consoles was region-locking: the practice of artificially locking a physical or digital game [Read more…]
Where would we be today, if Sony and Nintendo had opted out of gimmicks for their portables?
If you own “Shovel Knight” on Vita or 3DS, your “Treasure Trove” might feel a little lighter than console owners’.
I’ve been looking forward to playing Xeodrifter for a long, long time. I’m a big fan of Mutant Mudds, which I played on my 3DS XL *gasps*. I’m a sucker for 2D platformers (3D platformers BEGONE!) and this seemed like the perfect fit for me.
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