Sony surprised everyone this morning with an unannounced press conference in Japan specifically for the PS Vita in which they made a few announcements about forthcoming plans for the console. While its uncertain about which, if any of these will be coming to the European or US markets, they’re significant and we would expect that most should be rolled out on a global scale. The highlights include:-
- A price cut for the console itself to the equivalent of approximately £140
- A limited offer of a week’s trial of Playstation Plus for purchases of the console between 28th February and 18th March
- A new model of the Vita in white
- Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to the console
- Other games being showcased discuseed included Gundam Breaker, God Eater 2, Toukiden
- The big talking point is that Final Fantasy X HD has been confirmed for a PS Vita release!
With regards to Final Fantasy X, this should be the easiest to adapt for a Western audience as the text and audio tracks have already been localised from the original PS2 release. Gamers have been crying out for more Final Fantasy games and this should be a global hit the instant it is released so this could become a must-have game of 2013.
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