Riddled Corpses EX Heading To PS Vita

Riddled Corpses EX

The PC twin-stick shooter, Riddled Corpses developed by Diabolical Mind, is heading to the PS Vita, PS4 and XBox One in a brand new remastered edition courtesy of publisher Cowcat Games.

Riddled Corpses EX is a twin-stick shooter made in the style of 8/16 bit arcade games. Alone or with a friend, travel through diverse locations packed with danger and huge bosses. Choose your character wisely and make good use of their abilities and the special items to progress and destroy the root of evil!

Riddled Corpses EX PS Vita


  • 60 FPS fast-paced action
  • 2 player local co-op (on PS4 and Xbox One)
  • 6 characters with varying stats and abilities
  • Arcade, story and survival modes
  • Combo system
  • Quality chiptune music
  • Register your best scores on the online leaderboard!
  • Trophies (Platinum) and Achievements
  • PS Vita version Cross Buy with PS4

Riddled Corpses EX PS Vita

The new version features many improvements, including 60 FPS, a whole new story mode with cutscenes, a clearer interface, much less grinding, characters with stats, new enemies AI, a new soundtrack.

The full list of changes from the original are:

  • 60 FPS for all consoles (the PC original ran at 30 FPS)
  • Clearer HUD display with transparency
  • Each character now has different stats
  • Story mode with cutscenes
  • New soundtrack with the ability to switch between that and the original
  • Reduced need for grinding and more progressive
  • More diverse enemy AI and statistics
  • Improved collision detection
  • New combo system
  • Improved co-op and now available in all game modes (PS4 and XBox One only)
  • Arcade mode revamped. It’s now a “true” arcade experience – you start with nothing but a few lives, and need to complete the game in one sitting.
  • Compare your scores in each mode on the online leaderboard!
  • Added bonus stages in arcade mode!
  • Added explanations for each mode
  • Added hazards in levels (exploding barrels, fire floor etc) and extras (crates etc)
  • Destructible objects now have a health bar
  • Clock power up now blocks or slows down enemies and shots and graphical effect
  • Dynamite now works on all enemies
  • New menu artwork
  • New lighting system
  • Stereo music and sounds (PC version was mono)
  • Palette swap for characters in co-op mode
  • Optional transparency effects
  • Added controller vibration
  • Added stage progress indicator

No release date has been set yet but it looks as if this could be a great addition to the Vita’s catalogue.

Riddled Corpses EX PS Vita

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About Simon Plumbe 1105 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/simonplumbe

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