Release of PS Vita version of Hue delayed

We have been contacted by our friends at Curve Digital one again regarding their upcoming game Hue set to hit the PS4 and PS Vita shortly. The Cross-Buy game, originally set for release on 22nd August 2016 is now being released on 30th August 2016 for the PS4. Curve’s original plans, as we reported previously were to release the Vita version simultaneously, and this was then set back until September.

The latest on this is that there is no set date for the PS Vita version. Curve have confirmed with us that the PS Vita version is not cancelled as some often speculate when Vita versions run late, but Curve felt that it was important to make sure that the PS4 version of the game wasn’t delayed while awaiting the Vita version as they explained to us…

“The Vita version is still definitely being worked on. Just that there was a slight snag in production that currently being worked on. We didn’t want to delay the release of the formats so have gone with the decision to just delay the vita release.”

We’re looking forward to seeing this one and we’ll keep you all posted as we hear more.

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About Simon Plumbe 1104 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee:

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