Rumours have been circulating since yesterday that the latest game in the Ratchet and Clank series, Ratchet and Clank: Nexus, is heading to the PS Vita very soon. The game currently enjoying success on the PS3 which sees the game returning to it’s action platform roots has been seen on several retailers lists for upcoming titles with a provisional PEGI rating and with a release date scheduled for December 2013 (although one did have the game scheduled for release yesterday!).
While we welcome the news and are eagerly anticipating the release of any new PS Vita games – especially one with such a strong pedigree – we do have some questions and reservations if these reports are in fact true. Naturally we would prefer to see a retail rather than digital only release (especially considering the potential file size) as despite its growing range of games, the Vita is still crying out for more high profile titles in stores. Of greater concern is the quality of Ratchet and Clank: Q Force. This below-par release tarnished the series and while the PS3 version was poorly received, the badly ported Vita version meant that a conversion of Nexus will need to be near perfect to restore faith in the franchise.
Only time will tell…
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