PS Vita System Software 3.10 Released – 100 Icon Limit Removed!


Version 3.10 of the PS Vita’s operating system has been released today by Sony Computer Entertainment and unlike previous updates that have only been for “stability and bug fixes” the latest adds new functionality to the console.

First is the addition of a Calendar to the Vita’s home screen.  How well this performs is uncertain right now but this could make all the calendar apps for PlayStation mobile redundant overnight.

Secondly, the number of icons that can be stored in folders has been increased from the previous limit of 10. Well, that’s what Sony claimed but that’s not actually the case. In reality this is the single biggest update to hit the Vita for MONTHS as the 100 Icon Limt has been emoved! We don’t quite know what this new limit is right now but we have a feeling that it could be as many as 1,000 if you’re allowed to have 100 folders. THANK YOU SONY!!!

Content Manager has been improved and this now allows you to check the total available space on memory cards as the Application Data Management function of the system has now been integrated into Content Manager as well.

The final key update is that voice messages can be sent and received using the Messages apps. The update patch also adds the expected usability updates to other features but, no further details have been given on these although one we have found already is a great feature for those with multiple memory cards as the console now tells you how long it takes to build it’s database rather than displaying progress as a percentage.

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About Simon Plumbe 1081 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee:


    • Still, five hundred applications and games is a lot… I bought virtually all of my Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable) titles digitally and I think by the end of its use, I was up to around two hundred-ish.

      That was over two-three years of HEAVY spending… So if you can hit five hundred any time soon, well then you deserve to whinge I guess.

      • Don’t quite think I’ll hit 500 yet… at least not on a single memory card! Saying that, I do have over 400 titles on my Vita right now spread across PS Vita, PlayStation Mobile, PSP, PS One and Minis!

        This change couldn’t have come soon enough for me though. At the moment, there are 200 PlayStation Mobile titles and I’ve got all but 38 of these (although that will change by the end of the day no doubt) so scarily I can quite easily see myself using 300+ icons on just a single 16Mb card! I dread to think what I could do with a 64Gb one!

  1. Yeah, I found out just after I posted the news item. Typical really posting content to the site from my tablet and not the PC! Still fantastic news and it’s one less thing I have to campaign for now! Just got a long day ahead rearranging all my 4Gb memory cards with my PSM games on!

    • Not really tried the Calendar function yet although when I do I’ll have to think what memory card I use it with so I don’t confuse myself. Saying that, I don’t use any calendars on anything yet so synching it with any others won’t make much difference to me.

Got any thoughts on this? Let us know!