Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, the highly anticipated remake of the popular PlayStation 2 RPG developed by Atlus and Vanillaware, has received a new trailer.
This trailer introduces a familiar face; Gwendolyn, Princess of Ragnanival in the North, and daughter of the Demon Lord Odin.
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir will be released on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita on January 14 in Japan.
View the trailer here:
These games are all we hv to look forward to. Well, at least it has opened me up to jrpg.
It must be like when a person has gay sex for the first time and finds out they are gay. That is what the vita and Japanese gaming feels like to me.
I’m so excited for this port to Vita… recently experienced a new flame of love for the Japanese game developers (after MGSV and Mario Maker) and have been downloading PS1 classics on my vita like crazy. Seeing such a beautiful port of this fantastic game (along with games like P4G) really gives me hope that we will continue to see Japanese releases on the Vita making it completely worth playing the system on a regular basis.
Where the Vita really shines for me is RPGs, indies and pinball games (although I’m a sucker for old school gaming too!) but that’s how it should have always been marketed – playing to its strengths rather than trying to be a portable home system. Handhelds primarily thrive on more accessible bite-sized gaming not larger titles. RPGs that DO work are ones with plenty of save points – that’s one of my main frustrations with P4G!
In all seriousness though, there are some great games on the way still – I just don’t have time to play them all and still have dozens on the Vita or my bookcases I haven’t even started on yet!