Wired Productions has announced that Tiny Troopers Joint Ops – the bite-size, twin-stick arcade shooter developed by Kukouri Mobile Entertainment – will benefit from a fresh and exclusive Zombie Campaign downloadable content pack for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita on September 27.
As part of the Zombie Campaign DLC, players will be able to get their hands on eight brand new zombie-laden missions which involve various challenges to repel the army of the dead. Players will engage in operations such as assembling and deploying troops to eliminate the supernatural invasion, protecting soldiers against the incoming stream of relentless undead, surviving against all odds until backup can arrive, and making sure all operating systems are still up-and-running throughout the zombie apocalypse. Players will also get the opportunity to unlock two brand new trophies!
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops is an epic bite-sized arcade shooter filled to the brim with action-packed mini maps of mayhem! Players take control of miniature marines as they battle evil foes from around the world with a multitude of weapons and specialist soldiers, and will collect medals, dog tags and intel during the course of each mission. With hours of gun toting and explosive gameplay, Tiny Troopers Joint Ops is miniature warfare on a massive scale!
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