Enhanced for the PS Vita, PS3 and PS4, Bedtime Digital confirmed that the game will “… be re-vamped with extra music tracks, special PlayStation features and be accompanied by unique Back to Bed themes for your PlayStation. The game will of course support Cross Buy.”
Former PlayStation Home developers Loot Entertainment and the original team behind Back to Bed, Bedtime Digital Games are working in partnership to bring the game to all three PlayStation systems and the game will be on show at E3 next month. Founder of Bedtime Digital Games, Klaus Pedersen’s words on the collaboration:
“Partnering with Loot Entertainment to bring Back to Bed to PlayStation, has been a great experience for us. We got to work with someone more experienced than us, and being able to work with someone who knows the PlayStation platform like the back of their hand has taught us a lot. We are super excited to have our game available for consoles soon, and we are grateful for the love Loot have showed our game and the decision to invest all their expertise and resources in it.“
Further more on having the game launch on console:
“The game flourishes on the console, its really something special to play the game on a large screen in your living room. The art style really comes to its rights and the social aspect of having others in the room seeing and commenting on you playing adds a whole new dimension. And the Vita is perhaps the best platform for the game at all, it has the benefits of mobility that suits Back to Bed’s gameplay and its has the precision you only get with a controller.”
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