The PS Vita is still continuing to perform well in Japanese stores as sales are still rising week after week with still no sign of a slowdown although after an initial rush, the PS4 has experienced a dip for a couple of weeks. The latest figures reported from Famitsu for the week ending 30th March 2014 still show the Vita in an incredibly strong position…
- Nintendo 3DS LL – 47,692
- PS Vita – 40,625
- PS4 – 24,138
- PS3 – 16,757
- Wii U – 13,073
- Nintendo 3DS 10,003
- PSP – 3,308
- PS VitaTV – 1,814
- Xbox360 – 187
However, some of these figures may be artificially distorted as the level of sales tax in Japan changed at the start of the financial year (1st April) from 5% to 8%. While this may not be a large increase to many, it is believed that this could have triggered an end-of-year boost in sales for some consoles before prices rose with the cheaper hardware benefitting from this increase.
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