Image & Form Joins Forces with Steam Powered Giraffe For SteamWorld Heist

SteamWorld Heist PS Vita

The devs at Image & Form finally reveal their SteamWorld Heist collaboration with musical geniuses Steam Powered Giraffe.

Yes, the rumors have been true: Steam Powered Giraffe is working on the soundtrack for Image & Form’s anticipated multi-platform space strategy adventure SteamWorld Heist, due in spring 2015. The quirky San Diego-based band (that just so happens to feature humans parading as antique singing automatons) will not only make all the songs and in-game music for SteamWorld Heist, but will also be featured in the game as a troupe that Captain Piper and her crew encounter in bars while recruiting fighters. Image & Form CEO Brjann Sigurgeirsson is happy: “A SteamWorld game about steam-powered robots featuring real-world steam-powered robots. It’s perfect!”

In addition, while out in the field on a heist mission, you’ll be able to collect sheet music containing Steam Powered Giraffe songs which you can later play on a jukebox in Captain Piper’s ship – thus allowing you to select which tunes grace your ears as background music.

This match made in steampunk heaven came as a stroke of luck. Brjann elaborates: “I met with SPG at E3 in June to seal the deal, and since I love their music I have to admit I was a bit starstruck. But it turned out they loved our games as well. We’re very much alike, childish and pretty resourceful. They wear a bit more makeup at times, is all.”

The band agrees: “Luckily, make-up aside, our mechanical cog-filled hearts were in synch. When asked if we would like to collaborate with Image and Form on their next SteamWorld game we immediately said yes! We loved SteamWorld Dig, and a steam-powered robot band making music for a steam-powered robot game? Count us in!” says David Michael Bennett (The Spine) of Steam Powered Giraffe.

David is positive about working with Image & Form: “It’s a unique and enjoyable experience for the band. There is definitely a ton of passion going into the game, from them, from us, it’s a labor of love and we personally can’t wait to share our contributions to the game with the world.”

Check out the music video for “Prepare for Boarding”, the first song from SteamWorld Heist, featuring Steam Powered Giraffe in all of their steam-powered glory:

SteamWorld Heist will be released across a range of platforms including the PS Vita in Spring 2015.

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About Simon Plumbe 1112 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee:

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