As PS Vita owners, one thing that we often do when talking to friends who also own the system is what they think of games that they own. When making decisions about future purchases, it’s not just websites, magazines and Youtube videos that help to form our purchasing decisions but also the opinions of friends and families and others that we know who have played the games we are considering. However, when it comes to making those essential purchasing choices, the one thing that we don’t always have is time. We often don’t want to wait until people have managed to sit down and complete a game before they share their thoughts on a game or until they’ve managed to progress through a significant portion of a game. Instead we want a “real world” view of what a game is like, just as if we – as gamers – had gone to a local store and bought the game fresh ourselves.
So this is why we’re bringing a new series to Vita Player. Our new First Impressions series will bring you our initial thoughts on games that we are playing. These won’t be full reviews of games. Instead these will be shorter, where we will take a bite-sized look at recent titles that we have just obtained for the console. If you don’t have time to wait for us to review a game fully but still want to get a rough idea of whether it’s a game that you might enjoy, then look at for these First Impression pieces. We’ll still be able to tell you if we enjoy playing the games, but we won’t give them scores or go into too much detail – we’ll save that for our full reviews but we hope we’ll give you just enough information to help you to decide if it’s the right game for you.
If there are any games that you’d like us to take a look at that we haven’t already reviewed here on the site, just let us know and we’ll get right on it!
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