Looks like February is going to be a rather special month for everyone… as well as the big announcement coming on 20th February that has everyone speculating right now, SCEE have what appears to be a sale coming up sometime this month on the EU Playstation Store to celebrate the first birthday of the PS Vita!
The page has already been set up on the web version of the store and a selection of games have already been listed although no reduced prices have been put up yet but it has to be said that there is quite a good selection on offer including including Rayman Origins, Lumines: Electronic Symphony and Street Fighter X Tekken – a total of 14 full games!
If you want to be amongst the first to take advantage of these offers once they become available, bookmark the page at https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/ps-vita-1st-birthday-sale/cid=STORE-MSF75508-VITASALEFEBC2013
Since we – and a number of other sites – first ran this story, SCEE have found out that the story leaked prior to the sale being announced and has now removed the page from their site. Whether the above link will still be valid when the page is re-activated or not is uncertain but at the moment Sony are clearly shocked that this store leaked some time before they had planned to make the sale live. Even on their own blog, they only hinted at a sale a few days after the full details had broke online.
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