It’s that time again for another look at the PlayStation Store to see what has been released for the PS Vita this week although compared to recent weeks, it has to be said that the digital offerings for our favourite console are a little sparse…
Looking to the PS4 for a moment, it is drowning in a sea of games, far too many imho to the point that not even the most dedicated of gamers could afford to keep up and while it is great to see so many games being released you do wonder if many of these could get lost amongst the crowd. Of note is Batman: The Telltale Series and some have asked whether a PS Vita version is likely for this. Only time will tell here although we are still waiting to see several other games promised by the developers. Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge finally makes an appearance for gamers in the EU as well but whether the planned Vita port arrives is still unknown.
Onto the Vita and there’s only one new release this week – Krinkle Krusher, hitting the store on 5th August. Beyond that, we are given the Gold Edition of One Piece Burning Blood, and two value bundles from Loot -the Action Packed Bundle and the Ultimate Games And Themes Bundle. Frustratingly, the PS3 and PS4 each get new DLC for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but nothing for the Vita version.
Finally, the update for PlayStation Plus lands today so you can now get Ultratron (Cross Buy with the PS3 and PS4) and the PSP title Patapon 3 so don’t forget to pick up these two.
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