Looks like someone loves us PS Vita owners for a change as it’s a bright week over on the PlayStation Store here in the EU with not one but FIVE new releases lined up for our favourite handheld. So much for a console with no games coming out for it eh guys?!
First up is the long-awaited Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution 2 Plus and while this has been available since 2015 as a physical release in some countries in the East, it’s great to see it finally receiving an official release in the West. Hopefully it receives the support it deserves to see more well-known games brought to the Vita. Next up is the Cross Buy twin-stick shooter Tachyon Project.
Following that is UnEpic which we have already talked about here on Vita Player previously. The final two, scheduled for release on 1st April, are Trillion: God of Destruction and Zombies: The Last Survivor. Certainly an improvement over the last few weeks and with us still enjoying Senran Kagura Estival Versus from a couple of weeks ago, it’s clear that there’s plenty of life in the Vita still!
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