Concussion Prevention Tips to Keep Yourself Safe

Brain injuries of any kind are serious, and concussions occur more frequently than you might realize. In fact, if you’ve ever bumped your head hard or experienced whiplash-type jolting, you’ve probably had a mild concussion without realizing it.

We like to think that concussions are only for athletes and accidents, but the reality is that anyone is at risk. You can fall, smack your head on a cupboard or other sharp edge, or bump the back of your head against your headboard. These are all feasible actions that we are all capable of doing accidentally.

Prevention is the Best Cure

So how can you prevent a concussion when it’s so easy to get hurt in the normal course of the day, short of wearing a helmet 24/7? Here are some tips that will help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe from this kind of brain injury.

1. Follow the Rules of the Road

It’s an obvious tip, but it’s one that millions of us still ignore every time we get in a vehicle or on a bike. The standard rules of the road are in place for good reasons, and if you follow them, you can minimize your risk of a concussion.

Buckle your seat belt when you’re in a vehicle, whether as a front or backseat passenger or a driver. That piece of locked material can keep you from slamming into the seat, dash, or glass in front of you when the car jerks to a stop or is hit from behind.

Don’t speed, even if everyone else around you is zoom zoom-ing. Research linking the relationship between higher speeds and concussions shows a significant increase in brain damage with acceleration. In other words, the faster you’re going, the more likely you are to end up with a concussion.

2. Protect Your Head

None of us want to walk around wearing a helmet or other protective headgear all day, but if you’re engaging in certain activities, you must protect your head.

Wear a helmet if you’re on a motorcycle or bicycle. Yes, we absolutely trust your driving abilities. But we’re not so sure about the thousands of other not-so-careful drivers who are on the road at the same time.

Teach your kids and your peers that it’s cool to avoid brain injuries by wearing headgear when you’re snowmobiling, biking, on a motorcycle, riding a scooter, or on an ATV.

Always wear proper headgear and a mouthguard when you’re playing a contact sport, especially boxing, football, and hockey. Stay safe and wear a helmet if you’re skateboarding or roller skating. Even professional horse riders must wear protective headgear before they show.

3. Watch Out For Trip and Fall Hazards

Falling becomes more common as we get older. If you live by yourself or have concerns about your balance, schedule an appointment with your physician to get your fall risk evaluated.

You may qualify for a specialist to visit your home and suggest ways to adjust your furniture and add equipment to prevent falls.

Look over your medication list with an expert, either your doctor or a pharmacist, to see if anything you’re taking may increase dizziness, sleepiness,  or other fall-inducing behavior.

Keeping your home clean and free from things that could be fall risks is good for you and essential if you have older people or young kids living or visiting.

4. Treating a Concussion

Prevention is important, but accidents can still happen.

After any kind of head injury, it’s important to monitor your behavior for signs of concussion. The most common warning sign is a headache, but you might also feel tired, nauseous, dizzy, confused, sad, or irritable.

Never go to sleep right after a head bump or jolt. Call your doctor and let them know what your symptoms are. They may suggest going to the hospital for imaging studies to determine if you have any brain injury.

Be sure to let your physician know if you use cannabis, as there are pros and cons to THC and CBD with concussions. Veriheal explains more on this topic in this article.


You can prevent concussions by protecting your head and limiting your exposure to fall risks. But those methods still aren’t 100% failsafe. If you do hit your head, treat it as though you probably have a concussion until you’re positive that you don’t.


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