A Message To All PlayStation Mobile Developers

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I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve been a staunch supporter of PlayStation Mobile for a long time, and I’ve done everything possible to share my passion for the PSM format with other PS Vita owners. I believe that it’s an underrated format and sadly not getting the support and recognition it deserves from the Vita community.

One thing we have tried to do here at Vita Player is support PlayStation Mobile and its developers as actively as possible in helping to promote PSM. PlayStation Mobile hasn’t been getting as much coverage as it should be globally and I certainly don’t think that it has been taken as seriously as it should be. Many PS Vita owners are missing out on some great games either because they don’t know what is out there or because they are avoiding the format altogether and we want to try to play our part in changing all of that.


While Vita Player maybe a PS Vita site, it’s my intention to review every game available for the Vita – both native games and those that will run on it including PSM. Our approach means that we want to cover titles new and old so eventually we hope to have reviewed every game and app available for PlayStation Mobile – no small undertaking. I am a big PSM collector and currently own about 80% of the entire PSM range but it is my goal to own all of them and either review them myself or have one of the other Vita Player staff review them.

If we haven’t reviewed a particular title that you have released, please let us know and we will get onto it as soon as we can. The chances are that it is already in our “to do” list of reviews and is already part of our vast PSM software collection! I do want to offer a personal assurance now to all developers that if you have released something for PSM just mention it to us if we haven’t already covered it and we’ll get onto it. We’re not asking for review codes for PSM games – we’re avid collectors ourselves and the chances are that we’ll already have your games anyway! Besides, with PSM games being so affordable we’d rather support you all through buying them.


We want to give you as much coverage as possible for all your projects so if you have a new game on the way, are working on new updates for an existing title or just have other news you want to share let us know and we’ll get it featured on the front of the Vita Player site. Either drop us an email or send us a press release and we’ll aim to get it online the same day.


One of the flaws with PlayStation Mobile right now is that – unlike the PS3 and PS Vita – games and apps don’t update automatically nor do they let users know that new versions are available for downloading.  If any of you have updated your games or apps to add new features or to fix bugs, as a rule users don’t know about these unless they are told about them… which is why we want to help.

We are compiling a guide for the site of every PSM title along with its version details so users will know at a glance if they are running the latest versions of all their PSM software. We will update this list as often as we can but at the same time if you contact us each time a new update goes live, we can announce it on the website and update our guide accordingly for you.


As developers, we know that most of you have websites, accounts on Twitter and no doubt Facebook pages as well promoting yourselves and your games. However, we want to offer all of you the chance to promote yourselves and your games further still. Because Vita Player uses WordPress, it means that we can very easily add users to our writing team easily so we would like to offer all PlayStation Mobile developers – whether you are an established author with several titles available through the PSN Store or if you’re just starting our working on your first game – the chance to post guest blogs on the Vita Player site. There’s no catch – just get in touch and we’ll get you set up so you can tell gamers about your work, what projects you’re involved with or even post your thoughts about Vita gaming in general… as long as it’s family friendly!


We’ve been actively campaigning for PlayStation Mobile since we launched Vita Player. We have written open letters to Sony Computer Entertainment, petitioned for the abolition of the 100 icon limit on the PS Vita’s home screen and tried to play an active role in calling for change to improve the status of PlayStation Mobile on a global scale. We certainly haven’t finished in this area and we will be running more of these on a regular basis and we hope that many of you will support us with these to further the PSM cause…

Anyway, we know that there are a lot more areas where we can probably help bring PlayStation Mobile to a wider audience and if there are any developers out there who want to know more, work with us or if there’s anything we can do for any of you, please get in touch using our Contact Form.

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About Simon Plumbe 1110 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/simonplumbe


  1. I thinks PSMobile need more visibility so thanks Vita Player for this article 🙂

    I have many suggestion about PSM for example a dedicate store (like Xperia), support of PSVitaTV, and support of tool like game maker or construct can be great for PSMobile .

  2. Perhaps if Sony could figure out a way to put PS Mobile in more than the 14 countries it is in, it would lead to more sales and visibility. For all I care Ps Mobile could die, as it is not available in my country.

    Apple and Google are in over 150 countries, so how hard could it be?

  3. I want to make PSM games, but not till they enable visual basic in the mono engine. I’m not wasting my time coding in C#

Got any thoughts on this? Let us know!