There’s nothing I love more than a good old fashioned shoot-em-up. After a long day, even though I love deep, engaging RPGs on the Vita, nothing relaxes me more than fast action arcade games and the ones that grab my attention more are those with their roots back in the 80s and 90s and Mega Blast fits that bill perfectly.
Drawing inspiration from the single screen shooters like Space Invader, Galaga and a myriad of games that have come before it, the game is spread across countless attack waves pitting you against a seemingly never-ending stream of alien craft. On first impression it’s a basic shooter, augmented with an array of powerups and weapons that can be collected throughout the game offering enhanced or different weapons but what gives Mega Blast a twist is the controls for the ship. In addition to the basic movement along the expected horizontal plane, you can also use thrusters to move vertically to collect bonus points and powerups left behind from aliens you destroy and – if you fly up high enough – the playfield flips and you find yourself stuck to the top of the screen where the action continues!
Adding in the now-expected bosses, great retro visuals and sound and compelling gameplay and this is an absolute steal!
Title: Mega Blast
Developer: Super Icon Ltd
Type: Shoot-em-up
PlayStation TV Compatible: Yes
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