100 Must-Buy PlayStation Mobile Games: 38 – Cosmic Clean-Up

100 Best PlayStation Mobile Games 038 - Cosmic Clean-Up

One game I used to love playing on the C64 was Thrust The simplicity of the game mechanics made the gravity-based shooter an incredibly addictive game despite it’s crude (even for the time) visuals and even today it’s a game that’s fondly remembered by it’s many fans.

Now while Cosmic Clean-Up is a different type of game, it reminds me a great deal of Thrust with the controls and I guess that’s why I immediately felt at home playing it. Anyway, as the name suggests, it’s a sci fi themed game where you have to use your ship to clear up all the unwanted debris floating around in space – pretty much an intergalactic dustman – but rather than using any haulage equipment, all you have at your disposal is your ship and the flames spewing from the engines behind it. By carefully manoeuvring your ship through space you have to use your engines to destroy everything around you. Clean everything up and it’s onto the next level.

Controls are simplicity itself – using the touch screen you simply touch two on-screen buttons to control thrust to turn your ship left or right and pressing both simultaneously will fly your ship forward. Even though it’s a touch based game, it also works easily enough on the PSTV with a DualShock 4 utilising it’s touchpad making it just as easy to play on that as well!

It’s a simple and fun game to play, quick to pick up but tough to master and something that you’ll keep returning to over and over again and with 40 levels it’s one that will keep you hooked for ages!

Title: Cosmic Clean-Up
Developer: Ripstone
Type: Action
PlayStation TV Compatible: Yes

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About Simon Plumbe 1102 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/simonplumbe

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